R&D start-up with innovative patents that will revolutionize internet shopping by quickly finding the exact product that fits an individual’s precisely chosen criteria. MIT CSAIL Alliance Start-Up.

  • Provides long-sought benefit of reducing million search results to one result the first time.
  • Consumers choose and weight product features they want, change them at will, and create a unique fingerprint of their needs.
  • Uses AI to search the internet with this fingerprint.
  • The top product, or a few if desired, emerges with this fingerprint in real time from billions of products on the internet. No invasive collection of personal information from the internet.
  • User interface is easy to use, visually pleasing and highly interesting; tests show more than double click-through rates and sales.
  • New paradigm promises vast change in internet shopping by simplifying and targeting each search to a specific individual.

The dSideAI system is supported by 20 patents or patents pending, IP valued at $1B.

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